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A member registered Nov 16, 2019

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the game is so awesome, it's like the old games doom and quake but more crazy and gore, I LIKE IT. The cyber grind is my training skills, my OST Fav is Divine Intervention. 

the OST gives you tension because you know that you are fighting a very important boss in the game,
the OSTs are very well implemented and the tutorial where they show you the mechanics is great since it shows you that you can make some combos with any type of murder such as flipping a coin and shredding several Husks is that it's amazing the most creative and endless ways to kill enemies.
Simply impressive you left me with my mouth open

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a ok im sorry about that. I didn't know this. But i know now, thanks. You game is very beautiful, in my pc potato runs it xdd. Seriously it's weird but i like it, at least can play it haha. Take care, Eric

It would be very good if they did the ultrakill for the ps3 since the console could run it without problems, since it is a wonderful game and it would not be bad to do it on a previous generation console.

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i want download the ost soundtrack animal crossing is a beautiful song